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**************************************************************** E-BORNEO.COM'S E-NEWSLETTER (31 OCTOBER 2001) Content --------- 1. Borneo Editorial: 'Travelling to Borneo After 911' 2. Readers' Comments on the 911 Editorial 3. Readers' Comments on the Ellie James Editorial 4. Mystery Gift Winner and Feedbacks 5. Travel Borneo Destination 6. General Travel Tips 7. Hot Discussions: 'The War and related' 8. Latest Virus/Worm/Trojan 9. Word Search Game 10. Tell Your Friends About Us ***************************************************************** DISCLAIMER: This mail is never sent unsolicited. You are receiving this mail because you have opted-in to our mailing list, subscribed to our free Borneo e-mails, or your e-mail address appeared in our list. Please accept our sincerest apologies if you have received this mail in error in your opinion, or received duplicated copies. If you do not wish to receive any future newsletter from e-borneo.com, simply scroll to the bottom of this message for instructions on how to instantly unsubscribe. Thank you and fruitful reading. ***************************************************************** ======================== 1. BORNEO EDITORIAL ======================== ***Travelling to Borneo After 911*** Greetings Fellow Borneons and Friends, How our world has change since September 11. The travel industry is now experiencing a slum never experienced before, no thanks to the continuing 'war against terror' and the fear of bioterrorism. In Borneo, it was reported that many travel bookings had been cancelled unceremoniously. Hotel's occupancy rates had declined to 30%-40% per month. The fear of flying had also caused a decline in business travel. Apparently, video conferencing enablers and related are now selling like hot cakes. Companies prefer to hold international meetings or promotions virtually via the Internet instead of physically. Furthermore, many airlines had downsized their operations and there might be fewer flights to isolated destinations like Borneo. On the other hand, there are optimisms in the industry that there may be more tourists from within Asia or domestic. Then again, with a global recession looming, potential tourists may not have the means or luxury to travel. What do you think? Do you still feel safe to fly or when do you think it will be safe to travel by air again? Feel free to share your feelings on this editorial, or any related subject, at feedback@e-borneo.com. Please note that for the purpose of interactivity, your name/nick and comments received may be published in our e-newsletters or on our website (Note: Rest assured that your email address will not be published, but if you have a website, please include your URL - we will give it a FREE promotion here for you). ================================================== 2. READERS' COMMENTS ON THE 911 EDITORIAL ================================================== We have received many comments from readers on last month's editorial on "The Terrorist Attacks on the US". Thank you. In view of space constraint, we must apologise that we cannot publish all equally excellent comments. However, there are two extremely interesting views as follows: ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends and Subscribers of e-Borneo.com's e-Newsletter: We read with great interest the editorial published in this months' newsletter about the terrible events in N.Y.C. We were in Sabah, Malaysia during the September 11 holocaust. We were surrounded by government officials, leaders of industry and friends in Borneo during this time. Their reaction to the news was one of shock, disbelief, anger, sadness and grief. The overwhelming feelings these Sabahans felt were no different from ours. The sympathy they expressed to us was heartfelt and greatly appreciated. We were in Borneo to complete our book on the natural wonders of Sabah. We never felt any threat of violence or danger, just as we have never had these feelings on any of our previous visits. Certainly, the warm and hospitable nature of Malaysians contributes to our comfort in visiting Malaysia, especially Borneo. But, we believe that this feeling of personal safety is also due to the fact that Malaysia is a multiethnic, multi-religion country where different peoples are accepted. The hatred toward Americans or any people, for that matter, shown in this horrific event does not appear to be common among Malaysian people. Since Malaysia is officially a Muslim country, it should serve as a role model to Americans, proving that acts of terrorism and violence are not related to Islam or to governments tolerant of many religions, but rather to a group of crazed lunatics who have committed these atrocities in the name of religion. In the past, some Sabahans, that we truly respect and admire, have voiced the opinion that there should be a limit to the extent that a government allows the expression of personal freedom. Since the concept of personal freedom is so fundamental to us as Americans, initially we could not accept this idea. After seeing the N.Y.C. disaster, we have come to believe that they are right. In our opinion, Malaysia appears to be a very good role model for a place where the needs of the whole are in balance with the rights of the individual. We commend this newsletter for a clear and compassionate editorial. We look forward to your future comments on this subject that is of importance to everyone. Dr. Murray S. Kaufman and Dr. Lea E. Kaufman Authors of Reefs and Rain Forests, the Natural Heritage of Malaysian Borneo (to be released December, 2001) Reefs and Rain Forests Publications 618 N. Sierra Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 website (currently under construction): http://www.murraykaufman.com ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ In a message dated 09/29/2001 12:50:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time, webmaster@e-borneo.com writes: "In this regards, the true test for each of us is to be able to seek out love amidst hatred, mercy amidst justice, and forgiveness amidst bitterness." I will save the above quote from your consoling note of regret regarding the World Trade Center Attack in New York City on September 11, 2001. I live in New York City just a few miles from the devastation. A family member and several neighbors have been killed. Missing. No bodies have been recovered. For me now it is a choice between sleeping at night or nightmares. A frightening time. Such hatred is inexplicable but I do know that this corrosive emotion breeds on itself. This malevolent attack was conceived in ignorance and blind, irrational hatred. To respond in kind spreads this deadly disease. It could destroy us all. Your words express what I have been attempting to say to friends and family. Thank you for them. Susan Mauch, New York ====================================================== 3. READERS' COMMENTS ON THE ELLIE JAMES EDITORIAL ====================================================== Due to last month's unprecedented e-newsletter, we did not manage to publish some of the readers' comments on our August's editorial entitled: "The Mythical Mount Kinabalu". Below are two of the many received. Thank you so much for all your comments. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Dear Sir, I have been up to Mount Kinabalu 4 times since 1983, not a big fuss to shout about but my concern is of the 4 occasions, not even once I was briefed by the relevant authority on the 'DOs" and DON'Ts" of climbing Mount Kinabalu. For my first time, going up to Laban Rata or rather Gunting Lagadan Hut was plain simple, the route is straight forward but the route from Sayat Sayat was not easy, there was no trail, no guard guiding us because they are much far behind, the only noticeable mark was the piles of stone laid about 20 to 30 feets up the summit and at some stretches there was any mark or sign, I have to follow my instinct, wasn't it dangerous during that time. I totally still feel that all climbers, especially first timer should be given some briefing on the 'DOs" and DON'Ts" and what to expect and how to react in time trouble (visibility problem, sudden rain and strong wind). I think these tips will benefit first time climbers. Concerned Climber, Malaysia ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Dear Webmaster, Well, it is very shock to hear such experience mount climber like Ellie died on our mystical mount. Somehow, it is actually not anyone fault because everyone has their own fate of life. Since this is the first incident happen to the European people why should it make a big fuss to everyone? The local peoples who had died before are also as much as important as Ellie's? Anyhow...we actually learn something from this incident. We should take extra cautious while climbing the mountain & never climb if we are not ready (physical & mental). I have asked some the western people about that incident. They commented that there's no one should be responsible for that incident & the climber herself should be blame. Somehow, they said that the more mysterious the mount Kinabalu is...the plenty of people from all over the world will visit it. Lastly, we have to respect the mountain & follow every instructions as possible for our own safety. God have mercy on her soul...... Suzan B. |************************************************************************* | ADVERTISEMENT - eCosway Global Online Shopping Mall | | When Was The Last Time You Got Really Excited About Shopping? | |************************************************************************* | | Shop for exciting and exotic products that you may not find in | your local stores, international brand names and exclusively | Malaysia items. eCosway offer exotic products from the East to | customers in the West, and innovative products from the West to | customers in the East. | | Participate in a wonderful Shopper Rewards Program that features | special values and an "Amazing One Dollar Auction." 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MYSTERY GIFT WINNER AND FEEDBACKS! =========================================== Every month, we are giving away a mystery gift to one of our valued e-newsletter subscribers. Simply tell us how we can improve our e-newsletter and/or website so that they can be of much value to you. Email your suggestion to contribution@e-borneo.com and the best suggestions will be published in the next edition of our e-newsletter. This month's lucky Mystery Gift winner goes to a subscriber from U.K. who goes by the nick of 'Mrs Green' who wrote as follows: =^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^= Many thanks for an excellent website and informative newsletter. Borneo is a unique location indeed as it is one of the last remaining rainforest fortress in our planet. As such, I am of the opinion that your website should also play a leading role in the area of environment and ecology awareness. I should think that it would be most appropriate for a website dedicated to a green kingdom to include some pages focusing on this issue. It would definitely give your visitors a fuller experience of electronic Borneo. Mrs Green =^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^= (ED: Note taken and will be seriously looked into.) Some of the other suggestions/feedbacks received in no particular order (some are edited for clarity) are as follows: =^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^= "I'd like to suggest an online Scrabble here. I am confident that there are many scrabble enthusiasts out there and it will enhance your website." What do you think. Catherine M., Malaysia (ED: Thanks Catherine, we are currently looking into this) =^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^= "I think your website can be categorised as a 'goodwill' site as it also brings people from Borneo and the world to communicate with each other through a common platform. As such, I would like to suggest if you could take into consideration changing one of your free email E-BORNEO.EVERY1.NET to a more appropriate E-BORNEO.GOODWILL.NET." Mastika M., Malaysia (ED: Thank you Mastika for your goodwill thought. We can only hope that the owners of goodwill.net will be open to your suggestion) =^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^= "I came across your special coverage on the war against terror by chance. I must say I was totally surprised by the local reactions and comments on the unfortunate incident in your Forum. I am also surprised by Borneons' good command of the English language. I must admit that I have little or no idea about Borneo before but thanks to your site, I am beginning to be an admirer of your region and the amazing places that you have. I really envy that. Your jungle of forest is much more appealing than my jungle of concrete and steel. I hope that you will do more extensive promotion to bring non-Borneons to your site and forum board because besides introducing your region and people to the rest, it will also serve to remind us how small this world has become." C.J., USA =^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^= (ED: We will try our best C.J. and thanks for the encouragement) ======================================= 5. TRAVEL BORNEO DESTINATION ======================================= Current travel destination spotlights, recently introduced at the website are as follows: * Gayana Island, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah URL: http://www.e-borneo.com/cgi-bin/np/viewnews.cgi?category=10&id=1004061858 * Secret Underwater Gardens, offshore Miri, Sarawak URL: http://www.e-borneo.com/cgi-bin/np/viewnews.cgi?category=10&id=1004063545 ============================ 6. GENERAL TRAVEL TIPS ============================ - Save time at airport: Before travelling, print out a copy of the airport map from the Internet. You will save time if you know your way around the airport when switching plane. - Protect your film form x-ray: X-ray machines used for luggage that you check in are not safe for your film. So pack you films and cameras in your carry-on luggage. X-ray machines for carry-on luggage are considered safe. - Planning a family trip: When planning a family trip, have each member plan at least one day of the trip. This will help ensure that everyone get to do something they like. Courtesy of PlanetHoliday http://www.e-borneo.com/insideinternet/planetholiday.shtml ================================= 7. HOT BORNEO DISCUSSIONS ================================= What Borneons are currently talking about online? For the first time, local politics talk gave way to the terrorist attacks on the U.S., and the war in Afghanistan as the most talked about subjects. These and more, only at the Borneo Forum: http://www.e-borneo.com/cgi-bin/wsmbb/wsmbb.cgi Join Borneons and friends in a fruitful discussion on politics, computers, travel, sports, etc. at the Borneo Forum. Get to know Borneons and Borneo, and what's the latest development here. ================================ 8. LATEST VIRUS/WORM/TROJAN ================================ W32.Nimda.E@mm (Discovered: Oct 29, 2001) *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* A Category 3 threat as defined by Symantec, W32.Nimda.E@mm is an new version of W32.Nimda.A@mm that contains bug-fixes and other modifications, which are designed to prevent detection of this variant by antivirus programs. This worm is similar in functionality to W32.Nimda.A@mm. Differences include the modification of file names used by the worm. * The attachment received has been changed to: Sample.exe * The dropped .dll file is now: Httpodbc.dll * The worm now copies itself to the \Windows\System folder as Csrss.exe instead of Mmc.exe More details/removal instructions: http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.nimda.e@mm.html W32.Anset.Worm (Discovered: Oct 24, 2001) *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* W32.Anset.Worm is a Internet worm written in Delphi. It arrives as email with the attachment Ants3set.exe. This worm spreads by sending itself to email addresses found in the Microsoft Outlook address book. It is disguised as a freeware Trojan horse scanner known as ANTS. The email comes with the subject "ANTS Version 3.0" and attachment file "Ants3set.exe". Currently a category 2 threat as defined by Symantec. More details/Removal Instructions: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.anset.worm.html =========================== 9. WORD SEARCH GAME =========================== Specially for our subscribers, entertain and educate yourself by taking the challenge in the following word search game. This edition is a 15x15 matrix game. Find the words either vertically, diagonally, or even backward in the matrix. Best played by printing out this email. Have fun! Indigenous People of Borneo Words to find: 1. BAJAU 2. BANJAR 3. BELAIT 4. BIDAYUH 5. BISAYA 6. IBAN 7. KADAYAN 8. KADAZANDUSUN 9. KENYAH 10. LOTUD 11. MELANAU 12. MURUT 13. PUNAN 14. RUNGUS 15. TUTONG ------------------------------
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