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Sipadan Hostage Crisis

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23 June 2000; 15.09 pm - Bernama


KOTA KINABALU, June 23 Bernama -- Pos Malaysia Bhd in collaboration with the Philippine postal authorities will arrange a special delivery of letters from loved ones in Sabah to the Malaysian hostages being held by armed men in Talipao, Jolo, Southern Philippines.

The Malaysians K.Balachandran, Fong Yin Ken, Zulkarnain Hashim, Abdul Jawah Sulawat, Francis Masangkim, Basilius Jim, Kua Yu Loong, Vincent Kwong and Lee Hock Leong along with 12 foreigners were abducted by the gunmen from Pulau Sipadan exactly two months ago on April 23.

Pos Malaysia Bhd Manager for Sabah Shahri Jikun said the Philippine postal authorities had agreed to help in the delivery of the letters to the hostages.

He said two Pos Malaysia officers would leave for Manila Saturday with the letters and from there they would fly to Zamboanga.

"In Zamboanga,they will hand over the letters to the local post master who will then find a channel to pass on the letters to the hostages," he told reporters when collecting letters from Balachandran's wife Stephanie Soimbin in Putatan, near here.

A representative of the "Persatuan Wanita dan Isteri Pos" (Puteri Pos) accompanied Shahri to the house to provide aid to Balachandran's family.

Families of the hostages from Semporna and Tawau also sent in their letters to the Pos Malaysia branches in their respective areas for delivery tomorrow.

Shahri said Pos Malaysia Bhd sympathised with the families of the hostages and so had come up with this special delivery mission.

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