Military joining forces with police to patrol Sabah waters
(Bernama) -- The navy, air force and army have been directed to help police conduct
intensive patrols in Sabah waters to prevent intrusions following the Pulau Pandanan
kidnapping last month.
Deputy Defence Minister Datuk Mohd Shafie Apdal said the security beef-up covered the
stretch from Pulau Sebatik in the south to Pulau Banggi in the north.
"The (intensified) patrols are in line with a Cabinet directive to all agencies to
pool resources to prevent intrusions in Sabah waters," he said when replying to a
question from Sukinam Domo (BN-Batang Sadong) in the Dewan Rakyat Wednesday.
He said eight Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) vessels based in Sandakan, six from the Region
Two navy headquarters in Labuan and 13 from the fleet command in Lumut had been mobilised
to patrol the waters off the Sabah east coast.
At any time there would be 10 vessels and four speedboats in the patrol sector to guard
the waters, he said.
Shafie said the RMN also conducted joint patrols with its Philippine counterpart in the
waters along Sabah's border from Oct 11 to 14.
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