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17 October 2000 - ABS-CBN

Kill your leaders -- Military dares Abu fighters

SULU, (ABS-CBN) - A military officer on Monday enticed members of the extremist group Abu Sayyaf to kill their commanders and bring their severed heads to the military in exchange for money.

"Instead of starving or dying in the military operations, it would be better if you kill your commanders and bring their heads here. You might get some money,'' said Army Col. Susulan Salapuddin, who addressed the rebels in a radio interview.

The military official mentioned in particular three Abu Sayyaf commanders, namely, Galib Andang alias Commander Robot, Mujib Susukan and spokesperson Abu Sabaya.

The three Malaysian captives are believed to be held by the group of Itting Agga, an Abu Sayyaf commander affiliated with Commander Robot. The hostages and their captors have reportedly escaped Talipao, Sulu and moved inland towards Panamao, also in the same town.

For a month now, all the rebel leaders have been on the run with their hostages, though numerous guerillas have been arrested while some decided to surrender amid pursuing troops and incessant military siege.

Andang and Susukan's group is also holding Rolando Ullah, the lone hostage left of the first batch of captives taken from another Malaysian diving resort last April 23.

African-American hostage Jeffrey Schilling is reportedly in the hands of the Abu Sayyaf faction led by Sabaya.

Many of the hostages seized by the rebels have been freed after payment of more than $15 million by Libya and Malaysia was made to the Abu Sayyaf, unnamed sources said.

Reports are rife that scores of neophyte Abu Sayyaf members are contemplating on surrender as they feel they would not survive the military assault that began last Sept. 16 in Jolo.

Troops have captured or killed scores of Abu Sayyaf guerrillas since launching a massive attack on the rebels.

Military ops continue
Military operations in this province, meanwhile, continue to yield results in the past week.

Elements of the Philippine Navy's Special Warfare Group (SWAG) have reportedly arrested 36 suspected members of the extremist organization Abu Sayyaf in Pugad Manaol, Bulansi, Luuk, this province last Thursday.

The SWAG teams received reports that the alleged Abu Sayyaf members were holed up inside a house in the area prompting the military to conduct a surprise attack.

The identities of the 36 arrested Abu Sayyaf members are not readily available.

Last week saw the fall of more extremist elements in different areas in Sulu.

Two Abu Sayyaf members known as Fairud Ansal and a certain Bajuber reportedly surrendered to the military over the weekend through a certain Col. Tolentino. The capitulation was facilitated by military officials identified as Capt. Parina, Lt. Sadaramil, Lt. Matarol.

Four other suspected Abu Sayyaf members identified as Parahan Abubakar, Pidong Gabil, Monid Balling and Bislong Jainulla surrendered also to Col. Tolentino in Bayog, Talipao, Sulu last Saturday.

The surrenderees also yielded an M16 rifle and two garand rifles, among others.

Five other Abu Sayyaf members were arrested when soldiers raided a house situated at the Mangrove area in Ipil, Maimbung, Sulu also on Thursday.

The captured rebels were identified as Mustali Asanji, Bassirul Jalilul, Ben Jamsuri, Salip Atari Abdulal and Eko Asman.

Abu Sayyaf commander Kenhar Ammil, an alleged ally of Andang, and 10 of his followers also turned themselves in last Friday. The surrender took place in Barangay Batao also in Maimbung.

The surrenderees who reportedly came from Commander Robot's group were known as:

1. Utoh Sakilan Ali
2. Mumar Abduma
3. Munji Alibarsa
4. Punjungan Kasim
5. Namin Jamsuri
6. Almuddsin Ammil
7. Manong Isnain
8. Jajid Samjani
9. Baddirih Tadu
10. Manah Hasim

Twenty-two more followers of Commander Robot have reportedly surrendered to local and military authorities in Jolo, Sulu, the military said Thursday.

The latest batch of surrenderees corroborated reports that about 200 extremist rebels intend to surrender as they have reportedly grown tired of running from pursuing military troops.

(With a report from the Associated Press)

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