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16 October 2000 - The Manila Times

No Mindanao ethnic cleansing - Palace

THE government denied yesterday charges that the military offensive against the Abu Sayyaf has turned into an ethnic cleansing exercise against Muslims in Mindanao, as four more terrorists surrendered to Armed Forces officials.

“Our offensive is continuing and they are running out of places to hide,” Southern Command head and new Army chief, Gen. Diomedio Villanueva, said.

He said the latest surrenders on Jolo island bring to 38 the number of terrorists who have given up to the AFP.

More guerrillas were expected to come down from their mountain hideouts, he said.

Despite the success of the military offensive, with 129 rebels killed and 83 captured in the month-long Army pursuit, the government still considers the Abu Sayyaf a “major threat and concern,” Villanueva said.

The captured list includes 36 suspects—including women and minors—arrested by soldiers during a raid on a rebel hideout on Friday, an AFP report said.

The military has also seized several Hammer armoured vehicles, speedboats, night vision equipment and firearms and ammunition from the guerrillas.

The rebels have held American national Jeffrey Edward Schilling for nearly seven weeks and three Malaysian nationals for five weeks.

They are also holding Filipino diver Roland Ullah, who was among a group of 21 mostly foreign hostages whom the rebels abducted from a Malaysian dive spot in April. The other 20 in that group have been released.

Foreign Affairs Secretary Domingo Siazon Jr. said the government’s determined bid to crush the extremist group should not be construed as an attack against Muslims.

“I would like to underline that this whole operation in Sulu is not at all related to Muslim Filipinos,” Siazon stressed.

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