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15 October 2000 - AFP

Two Abu Sayyaf rebels killed

Dozen are captured as troops continue assault

ZAMBOANGA -- Two Abu Sayyaf rebels were killed, while dozens of others were captured or surrendered as the military continued its assault on the Muslim extremist group still holding five hostages, military spokesmen said yesterday.

Two rebels were killed in the cemetery of Jolo town on Friday by army troops tipped off by residents that the gunmen were hiding there, said regional military spokesman army Colonel Hilario Atendido.

Another Abu Sayyaf member was caught fleeing the area as the military continued its nearly month-long offensive against the rebels.

Nineteen men, 10 women and seven children, all believed to be either Abu Sayyaf members or their relatives, were also captured on Pucad Manaol island, just off the coast of Luuk town on the group's stronghold of southern Jolo island, regional military commander Lieutenant-General Diomedio Villanueva said.

Three assault rifles were captured.

The members are believed to have mostly fled to the small island after the military bombarded their lair in the town of Talipao on Jolo.

Four other Abu Sayyaf members with rifles surrendered to the military in Talipao and Maimbung towns, Col Atendido said.

The latest incidents bring the total of captured Abu Sayyaf members and sympathisers to 83. Another 34 have surrendered.

However, there were still no reports on the whereabouts of the three Malaysians, one American and one Filipino still being held by different Abu Sayyaf factions in Jolo.

At least 131 Abu Sayyaf members had been killed since President Joseph Estrada ordered an assault on the kidnappers on Sept 16. Five soldiers and three government militiamen have also died in the fighting.

Two French journalists and 12 Filipino evangelists being held by the Abu Sayyaf were freed after the assault was launched.

The crisis began on April 23 when the Abu Sayyaf seized 21 foreign and local hostages from a Malaysian island and took them to Jolo.

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