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12 October 2000 - The Manila Times

200 Sayyaf men turn selves in this week

By Faber Concepcion

ZAMBOANGA City—At least 200 extremist Abu Sayyaf members are expected to surrender to the military this week as the military intensified its assault against the bandits in the hinterlands of Sulu province.

Executive Secretary Ronaldo Zamora yesterday told Muslim rebels holding five hostages to surrender unconditionally, warning that the military would not stop an assault until the rebel group is destroyed.

Military officials expect many Abu Sayyaf guerrillas to turn themselves in because of fatigue and hunger from the military assault, now in its 26th day on Jolo island.

“They should surrender but they should not impose any conditions because no condition will be accepted,” Zamora said.

At least 20 guerrillas, including a commander, have surrendered to military officials in Jolo this week.

The Abu Sayyaf is still holding three Malaysians, an American and a Filipino hostage.

A group of five rebels who surrendered Sunday said their companions were tired and lacked food and ammunition and were thinking of surrendering, military officials said.

Sulu Vice Governor Hadji Munib Estino told THE MANILA TIMES that the bandits turned themselves in through Panglina Estino municipal Mayor Hadji Abbas “Maas Bawang” Estino.

Estino, who was in Zamboanga yesterday, left for Panglima Estino to receive the more or less 200 Abu Sayyaf bandits from Luuk, Panamao and Talipao towns.

Surrender feelers

The bandits had earlier yielded assorted firearms on the day they sent surrender feelers, according to Estino, the chief negotiator seeking the release of American hostage Jeffrey Schilling and Roland Ullah.

He said most of the rebels were to be presented to him yesterday in preparation for the official and formal turnover to Task Group Charlie under the Task Force Trident based in the province.
--with AP

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