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11 October 2000 - ABS-CBN

ASG commanders set to surrender - AFP

QUEZON CITY (ABS-CBN) - Several commanders of the Abu Sayyaf in Sulu are expected to yield within the coming days, the military said on Wednesday.

Quoting Armed Forces Southern Command Lt. Gen. Diomedio Villanueva, military spokesperson Brig. Gen. Generoso Senga said continuos reports indicate that leaders and members of the Abu Sayyaf are set to surrender to local authorities.

"There are continuous reports of (surrender) feelers but General Villanueva didn't specify. There are leaders involved but we have no specific details yet," Senga said.

Since the military launched its assault on the Abu Sayyaf lair in Sulu, 129 bandits have been killed and 53 others captured . In addition, 20 terrorists have yielded to local and military authorities.

On the other hand, eight soldiers and civilian volunteers have died in 59 recorded encounters.

"They are turning themselves in because of fatigue , low morale and hunger. Significantly, the surrenders are brought about by the psychological pressure that anytime, the military will catch up with them," Senga said.

Likewise, the military spokesman said the cooperation of the local officials and the rescue of the 14 hostages have contributed to the recent surrenders.

"Many of our troops are now free to operate in smaller areas. The operations are now to our favor, we are covering more grounds and our troops are now acclimatized with the terrain," Senga said.

Prior to the launching of the military assault on September 16, authorities have estimated the strength of the Abu Sayyaf to be between 2,000 to 3,000.

But Senga said the operations have resulted in new recruits laying low from the secessionist movement with the hardcore now dwindling to between 400 to 700.

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