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11 October 2000 - The Manila Times

Jolo villagers shun fleeing Sayyaf rebels

By Faber Concepcion

Zamboanga City—Jolo villagers, once gofers and food supporters for the Abu Sayyaf, are now shunning the extremist rebels, fearing military reprisal.

A source close to the rebels and a resident of a barangay at the foot of Mt. Sinumaan, in Patikul town, said dwindling food supplies and a forced march because of the incessant military operations prompted rebels to surrender.

An Army spokesman said 15 more rebels, including Ghalib Andang alias Commander Robot, surrendered to military officials on Jolo.

The 15 Abu Sayyaf guerrillas surrendered in a remote area of Talipao, Col. Ernesto de Guzman said.

The Jolo civilian source told The Manila Times that communities’ refusal to shelter the rebels forced commander Radulan Sahiron, the one-armed guerrilla, and his followers to go deeper to the jungles, said the source who arrived in this city Sunday.

Lack of food, shelter and medical aid, the source added, has led to wounds sustained during bombardment and clashes to fester.

Sahirun is alive contrary to military reports that he had died from loss of blood during earlier bombing operations in Jolo, said the source.

“But he now has only seven men with him,” the source stressed.

It was Sahirun’s deputy commander, Abdun, who was killed in the bombardment, he revealed.

Sahirun was treated with herbal medicine by an indigenous “doctor,” the source said, adding that the rebel leader was safe in his new hideout, near a ravine in an isolated village.

“He is suffering from exposure because the villagers do not want them (guerrillas) in their homes,” the source told The Times. “He has scrubs and herbs for the bullet wound on his left thigh, but nothing else.”

Sahirun’s group was able to escape the military, he added, by passing through “a secret passage” in the forests of Barangay Tugas, near the border of Danag and Taglibi villages.

The source said Andang and his fellow commander, Mujib Susukan, fled towards Mt. Mahala.


A military official, quoting five rebels who surrendered over the weekend, said Abu Sayyaf members still holding five hostages on Jolo are tired, lack of food and want to give up.

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