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08 October 2000 - AP

3 Killed Fighting Muslim Rebels

By AARON FAVILA, Associated Press Writer

JOLO, Philippines (AP) - Battles between security forces and Muslim rebels holding five hostages on a southern Philippine island have left three more soldiers dead, the military said Saturday.

The new deaths brought to eight the number of soldiers killed in the massive rescue operation, which was launched three weeks ago.

About 5,000 soldiers have been deployed to various towns on southern Jolo island to rescue three Malaysians, one American and one Filipino still in the hands of the Abu Sayyaf rebels.

The soldiers died in a clash with Abu Sayyaf rebels on Jolo on Friday, said Col. Hilario Atendido, spokesman for the military's Southern Command.

The government said at least 129 Abu Sayyaf members have been killed since the rescue operation was launched Sept. 16.

Atendido said the hostages, including Jeffrey Schilling of Oakland, Calif., have been sighted for the first time in more than a week, but he declined to specify the area they were seen.

Earlier this week, soldiers broadened the search to the neighboring provinces of Tawi-Tawi and Basilan, believing some of the rebels may have escaped.

Atendido said the Malaysians are being held by Abu Sayyaf leader Ghalib Andang, also known as Commander Robot, while Schilling is being held by another faction led by Abu Sabaya, who is also the Abu Sayyaf spokesman.

Last Monday, troops recovered 12 Filipino Christian evangelists held by Andang's group after one escaped and informed soldiers of the location of the others.

The Abu Sayyaf began a wave of kidnappings in March, badly embarrassing the government and tarnished the Philippines' reputation among tourists and investors.

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