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06 October 2000 - The Manila Times

Evangelists apologize over ransom cut yarn

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY—In the face of an angry President who called them ingrates, leaders of the Jesus Miracle Crusade (JMC) apologized yesterday for repeating the claim of an Abu Sayyaf commander that chief negotiator Robert Aventajado had kept part of $15-million ransom for the Sipadan hostages and some foreign journalists.

Aventajado himself welcomed a probe by the House of Representatives, and said he was ready to appear before Congress.

The government chief negotiator in the long-running Jolo hostage crisis noted his “clean” record as overseer of the administration’s flagship projects.

 “I doubt it,” said Mr. Estrada of the statements by JMP “prayer warrior” Alvin Flores, who made the revelation at a Malacañang press conference.

The President said the accusation was “unfair” as Aventajado “worked very hard to get the hostages out.”

“I will never doubt Secretary Aventajado. He had almost risked his life going in and out of the Abu Sayyaf lair, and now they accuse him,” the President stressed at an ambush interview here.

Mr. Estrada lashed out at the JMC, saying the group had made things difficult for the government.

“They were the ones who went there, which made it more difficult for us (to solve the hostage crisis). And now, after being rescued (by government troops) they would say such things. I think it is not right,” the President said.


Alvin Flores, who was among the JMC members recovered in Talipao last Monday, had already apologized to him during a meeting the other night.
--Herbie S. Gomez and Joel San Juan, Maricel Cruz 
and Macon Ramos-Araneta

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