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Sipadan/Pandanan Hostage Crisis

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04 October 2000 - The Manila Times

10 more Abu men slain; other hostages missing

By Manny B. Marinay, Joel San Juan and Charmaine Deogracias

ARMY troops followed up on their successful recovery of 12 Filipino evangelists Monday by killing 10 extremist guerrillas of the Abu Sayyaf in the jungles of Talipao, Jolo yesterday.

President Estrada also rode on the successful operation by calling for a stepped up assault, expressing optimism at the safe recovery of five remaining captives.

But as the Armed Forces offensive on the predominantly Muslim island entered its 18th day, concern mounted over the fate of the lone remaining Sipadan hostage, three new Malaysian captives from Pandanan island and an American Muslim convert whose real persona remains murky.

Foreign Affairs Secretary Domingo Siazon said the AFP has assured Malaysia it is concentrating on rescuing the Southeast Asian country’s nationals.

He related the statements to Malaysian Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar who called up for the latest news on the Pandanan hostages, who were seized last Sept. 10.

Siazon quoted AFP Chief of Staff, Gen. Angelo Reyes, as saying Filipino diver Roland Ullah, Malaysians Kim Wee Cheoung, Joseph Dioquino and Mohammad Nur Solayman; and American Jeffrey Craig Edward Schilling were with Abu Sabaya and Khaddafy Janjalani, the veteran Abu Sayyaf warriors who had given troops a hard time in an earlier hostage crisis in Basilan.

Reyes admitted there had been no sighting of Sabaya’s group, Siazon said.

Task Force Trident chief, Brig. Gen. Narciso Abaya, admitted at a Malacañang press conference that some guerrillas had escaped the AFP cordon.

“We are conducting operations but, lately, we’ve had less and less leads as to where the hostages are,” Abaya said.

Intensify assault

Last week, diplomatic sources said Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents had intercepted a satellite call by Schilling to his Oakland, California-based mother, Carol, indicating the hostage was still in Jolo island.

Previous to this report, Sabaya had gloated over national radio about penetrating the military land and naval blockade.

Abaya said the group of Ghalib Andang alias Commander Robot and Mujib Susukan is still in Jolo.

He was less sure about Sabaya.

The AFP had earlier known Schilling’s location, the officer said. But after a series of operations, Sabaya’s group snaked farther to Luok and Pamanawe, in Sulu.

“And from there, our informations say, they are still around. But there is less contact, less observation on this group,” Abaya noted.

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