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03 October 2000 - The Manila Times

Use commando raid vs Abus, Senator urges PNP chief

By Macon Ramos-Araneta, Joel San Juan and Marian Trinidad

SENATOR Aquilino Pimentel Jr., describing two weeks of military operations in Jolo a failure, urged President Estrada yesterday to assign Philippine National Police (PNP) Director General Panfilo Lacson the lead role in rescuing the remaining 16 Abu Sayyaf hostages.

Pimentel also said the lack of results from aerial and ground bombardment should also prod the government to consider a “surgical police strike” on the terrorists, to minimize casualties and damages inflicted on Jolo civilians.

Sen. Rodolfo Biazon, chairman of the committee on defense and national security, blocked the proposal.

He said Lacson can prove his skill and machismo by volunteering to rescue a police major and an Army captain held by the New People’s Army (NPA) in the Southern Tagalog region.

He suggested Lacson should rescue Army Maj. Noel Buan and P/Chief Insp. Abelardo Martin who were kidnapped by the NPA in 1999.

“Lacson’s idea of hostaging could probably fit the situation of the kidnapping of these two officers who are held only by a few armed guerrillas of the NPA,” said Biazon.

He advised Lacson to allow the military to employ the tactics and means they see fit to resolve the kidnapping situation in Jolo.

Sen. Gringo Honasan, another former military officer, echoed his view, saying military commanders on the ground are in the best position to make an assessment of the ongoing assault.

Lacson and Armed Forces Chief of Staff, Gen. Angelo Reyes, denied a “rift” and said they were had differences of opinions regarding tactics and strategy.

But the controversy over the Jolo military assault, which started Sept. 13, prompted Defense Secretary Orlando Mercado to warn about demoralization of troops.


Mercado, who had earlier said he shares the blame for some operational mistakes, said rescue operations are now concentrated in Jolo’s jungles, minimizing the risk to civilians.

He appealed for patience and understanding from the public and government officials while soldiers and cops risk lives pursuing the Abu Sayyaf.

 “It (debate over strategy) would certainly put the morale (of our soldiers) down. That’s why I already accepted full responsibility to spare our commanders in the field,” Mercado said.

Despite criticisms, Mercado said, government troops are still doing their best because they have confidence in the full support of President Estrada.

“Their attitude is good. They know they have the full backing of the military establishment headed by no less than the President, the Commander in Chief,” Mercado stressed.

The defense chief disputed claims that malnutrition has become widespread in Sulu as a result of the military operations. Reports blamed malnutrition for the deaths of at least seven children housed in evacuation centers.

“Malnutrition does not happen in one week or one month. This is a health problem that will occur even without the conflict,” the Defense secretary said.

Prove it

Pimentel said the massive bombardment of Jolo communities could have killed innocent civilians.

“There is no certainty that those who had been executed and killed in the encounters were all Abu Sayyaf members,” he noted.

The Mindanao solon, however, emphasized he is not calling for cessation of the military offensive nor taking the side of Lacson in his reported rift with Reyes.

“I am not taking the side of Lacson but common sense. We cannot continue with this massive assault against an amorphous enemy,” Pimentel said.

He said the military can reinforce the police surgical strike, to prevent rebels from escaping.

“They can serve as blocking force,” said Pimentel.

Lacson, he stressed, should be given a chance to prove his claims, by heading the attack against the rebels.

Lacson had claimed to be right in pushing for a commando-type operation against the Abu Sayyaf. Over nationwide television Sunday, he also described as a “blunder” the military strategy of bombarding guerrilla lairs in Sulu.

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