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27 September 2000; 17:08 pm - Bernama

Soldiers sent to Sabah to get anti-abduction training

KOTA KINABALU, Sept 27 (Bernama) -- Soldiers deployed to guard scattered islands in Sabah waters will get special training in dealing with illegal immigrants and armed abductors because of the unique nature of the hazards the intruders pose to national security.

"The move is also to ensure that the soldiers will not violate any regulations in containing the problem," said Army Field Commander Lt-Gen Datuk Seri Zaini Mohamad Said.

In the past troops have normally been trained in countering military threats and not illegal immigrants, Gen Zaini said a news conference here Wednesday.

"But this time our task is extraordinary in that we have to deal with illegal immigrants from southern Philippines and groups targeting our people,...we're not used to such task," he said.

So far the military had deployed troops to 15 islands off Sabah's east coast for security patrols and protection of the islanders, he said.

On whether troops would be stationed permanently on the islands, he said this would depend on the situation.

"Most importantly is that we should guarantee the safety of people in the state," he said.

Zaini said that dealing with foreign intruders and illegal immigrants required integrated action as there was bound to be overlapping of duties as each agency would be dictated by own procedures and needs.

He said security authorities would also intensify night aerial surveillance over Sabah's east coast.

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