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24 September 2000 - AP

Two Philippine Villages Destroyed

By JIM GOMEZ, Associated Press Writer

TALIPAO, Philippines (AP) - A military assault on Muslim rebels holding 17 hostages in the southern Philippines has destroyed at least two villages and sent more than 14,000 people fleeing from their homes, officials said Saturday.

In the first confirmation of extensive damage to civilian areas, local police said 100 to 200 bamboo houses were burned in the fighting in Bandang and Samak, destroying the villages in the municipality of Talipao. They said the villages, an Abu Sayyaf rebel stronghold, were bombed by military planes.

The fighting killed more than 30 rebels, police said.

The assault on Jolo island by thousands of military troops backed by planes, cannons and missile-equipped helicopters was aimed at rescuing 17 hostages - one American, three Malaysians and 13 Filipinos - held by various Abu Sayyaf factions.

The military, which has tightly controlled information about the attack, insists only two civilians have been killed despite numerous unconfirmed reports of many civilian casualties.

On Saturday, the military reported the first death of a soldier and said a rebel commander had been seriously injured. Three other rebels were killed, bringing the confirmed guerrilla death toll to 28, with 60 others believed dead, it said.

Six soldiers have been injured, the military said.

Residents in Luuk, a town about 30 miles east of Talipao, said they saw American hostage Jeffrey Schilling, 24, of Oakland, Calif., being led by two groups of rebels fleeing from the military, Vice Governor Munib Estino said Saturday.

Schilling's ankles and wrists were tied and he had cuts on his arms and legs, they said. Villagers said they saw a rebel kick Schilling from behind as they walked.

``All the people who saw Schilling pitied him,'' Estino said.

The Abu Sayyaf rebels, who say they are fighting for an independent Islamic state in the predominantly Roman Catholic Philippines, have kidnapped scores of people since March. Most have been released, with Libya and Malaysia reportedly paying more than $15 million for 19 foreigners. The government stopped negotiations and attacked after more people were kidnapped.

Schilling visited a rebel camp on Aug. 28 with his Filipino wife, who is the second cousin of a rebel leader. He says the rebels abducted him after they argued over politics and religion.

Estino said about 500 rebels in that group, armed with M-60 machine guns and bazookas were headed toward a beach, apparently hoping to escape from Jolo. About 2,000 troops backed by howitzers, artillery, and attack helicopters were closing in, he said.

The military has prevented most journalists from traveling to Jolo to cover the assault. Until Saturday, the handful of reporters on the island were restricted to its capital, also named Jolo.

Military officials have urged journalists to depend on daily briefings held in Zamboanga, about 85 miles away. However, military spokesmen have provided only sketchy accounts of the assault.

Chief of Staff Gen. Angelo Reyes said he would allow a group of reporters to briefly visit the island Monday. Dozens of journalists in Zamboanga had issued a statement deploring ``in the highest degree'' the restrictions on press coverage.

In a trip Saturday to Talipao, an Associated Press reporter saw many abandoned homes. Lines of soldiers with M-16 rifles and bandoleers of ammunition around their necks marched along the roads, accompanied by armored personnel carriers.

More than 6,000 villagers crowded evacuation centers in Talipao's town capital, Mayor Tambrin Tulawie said.

Dirty children played in dank-smelling schools used as emergency centers, with 60 people per classroom. Women cooked over wooden stoves improvised from cookie tins on the dirt floors. Others took shelter outside under tarps to escape the crowding.

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