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22 September 2000 - ABS-CBN

Civilian casualties in Sulu assault mounting

ZAMBOANGA CITY, (ABS-CBN) - More civilian casualties are being reported in the military assault of the Abu Sayyaf lair in Sulu island, an evacuee said Friday.

The evacuee who arrived from Jolo at the Zamboanga Port this morning said most of the casualties were civilians and not Abu Sayyaf guerillas.

The evacuee who came aboard the Navy's BRP Dagupan said many bodies could be seen littered in the towns of Paticul and Talipao, where some could even be seen in garbage dumps.

The evacuee, together with other passengers interviewed by reporters refused to give their names fearing the military.

"Mga civilian ang marami...Mga patay marami...Kung may 20 marami [There were many civilians..many killed.. there were about 20]," the evacuee told ABS-CBN.

Also, news wire reports said Friday mounting civilian casualties from the military assault on the extremist group in Jolo province has cast doubts on official claims that only four villagers have been hurt.

News wire Agence France Presse (AFP) said up to 15,000 people have fled their homes to crowded evacuation center in or near Jolo town or by naval craft to Zamboanga city.

It added evacuees said several people have been wounded by bombs or shells in the town of Talipao 20 kilometers east of Jolo town.

The evacuee interviewed by ABS-CBN said also, the military was torturing the 22 Abu Sayyaf guerillas they have captured.

In Manila, Defense Secretary Orlando Mercado said he would go to Zamboanga City to check on the conflicting reports about civilian casualties.

"We have to determine this because we all know there is a propaganda war going on," he said, adding that civilians would be helped "regardless of whether their inclination is for the Abu Sayyaf or otherwise."

Provincial governor Abdusakur Tan has expressed fears about possible civilian casualties. Tan set up a new joint military and civilian body to help evacuees and investigate complaints against the army.

AFP said some 400 people from Jolo, clutching bundles and boxes of possessions and surrounded by crying children, arrived by navy craft Friday at Zamboanga.

A certain Arcera Dizon reportedly said she saw an old man who had been killed in the attack but did not know how.

"None of the Abu Sayyaf are dying, but there are many civilians (affected.) There are also many houses that have been destroyed," said one man who refused to give his name.

"We saw dead people yesterday. It is very chaotic there," said another elderly woman who also requested anonymity.

Only four?

The military maintains that only four civilians have been wounded and none killed since the ground and air attack was launched last Saturday.

The assault was ordered by President Joseph Estrada to end the five-month hostage crisis after the rebels seized more hostages having released a number reportedly for millions of dollars in ransoms.

Local reporters in Jolo are either prevented from travelling outside Jolo town or being delayed at numerous checkpoints.

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