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29 April 2000, 19:27 pm - Bernama


KUALA LUMPUR, April 29 (Bernama) -- The military chief of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), Lt Gen Yusoff Jikiri has been picked as the personal emissary of the front's chairman Nur Misuari to pave the way for formal negotiations with the armed group responsible for the abduction of 21 people from Sipadan Island last Sunday.

An aide of Misuari who spoke to Bernama Saturday on condition of anonymity said Yusoff had already been despatched to Jolo, the provincial capital of Sulu Friday to lay the ground work.

"In fact, we have been informed that Yusoff had already begun establishing contact with several senior members of the group and had even started to relay messages to Misuari," the aide said when contacted by phone in Misuari's residence in Zamboanga City.

Misuari who is the Governor of the Autonomous Muslim Region in Mindanao was not available for comment because, according to the aide, he was deeply engrossed in a close door meeting over the hostage crisis with several senior Philippine military commanders and policy makers in the residence.

Misuari had been appointed by President Joseph Estrada as the lead negotiator to secure the release of the hostages.

According to the aide, Yusoff who is also the Deputy Commander of the Zamboanga-based South Command of the Philippine Army is the personal emissary of Misuari to establish contact with the group.

Yusoff was appointed the deputy commander following the integration of several units of the MNLF into the Armed Forces of the Phillipines after MNLF signed a peace agreement with Manila in September 1996.

The aide could not confirm whether Misuari would go to Jolo, a two-hour fast craft ride from Zamboanga, himself or whether there would be a face to face encounter between Misuari and the kidnappers.

Until then, he said, Misuari will continue to monitor and supervise the negotiation and rescue efforts from his residence or the ARMM Complex.

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