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18 September 2000; 23:37 pm - Bernama

Khalil says Malaysia won't meddle in rescue of hostages

MANILA, Sept 18 (Bernama) -- Malaysia will not intervene in Manila's on-going military efforts to rescue three Malaysians and 19 other nationals held hostage in southern Philippines, Information Minister Tan Sri Khalil Yaakob said Monday.

"This is something of an internal matter which we can't interfere," he told Bernama here.

Khalil, the Umno secretary-general, is attending the first international conference of Asian political parties.

The military rescue operation involving some 4,000 troops was launched at dawn Saturday on Philippine President Joseph Estrada's order following a public outcry over the spate of abductions in the south.

The three Malaysians were abducted from a dive resort on Pandanan island in Sabah waters on Sept 10 by an armed group and taken by boat to Jolo island in southern Philippines.

The abduction was the second such incident in Sabah waters after 21 people (nine of them Malaysians) were kidnapped from a dive resort on Sipadan island by an armed group on April 23 and taken by boat to Jolo. All but one (a Philippine national) of the 21 hostages have been released in batches.

Khalil said he was concerned over the safety of the three Malaysian hostages.

"We hope that the hostages are safe and that priority be given concerning their safety," he said.

Asked what Malaysia would do if the rescue operation fizzled out, Khalil said, "this is a government matter and we'll have to see it from various angles".

He said despite the military rescue operation, "we will continue our own efforts to help free the three hostages".

"But of course, it will be with the concurrence of the Philippine authorities. Our ambassador here Mohamed Arshad M. Hussain is very much in touch with them on whatever we are doing," he added.

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