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18 September 2000 - AFP

Paris insists hostages safety must remain priority for Manila

PARIS, Sept 18 (AFP) - France has reminded Philippine authorities that the safety of hostages still held by Abu Sayyaf guerrillas must remain a top priority, the French foreign ministry said Sunday.

The reminder came on the second day of a major military operation launched by Philippine armed forces against the rebels on the island of Jolo, which France had not been made aware of in advance.

"We are in constant contact with political and military authorities in the Philippines, with whom we do not stop insisting that the hostages' safety must remain a priority," the ministry said in a statement.

President Jacques Chirac also expressed his concern for the two French hostages held in Jolo, saying that he took the matter "very seriously", the presidential palace said.

In a phone conversation on Sunday, Chirac told his country's ambassador to the Philippines, Gilles Chouraqui, that the safety of the two French hostages was "an absolute priority to France", the palace said in a statement.

Chirac said he hoped that "the Philippine authorities understand that it is a matter France takes very seriously", it added.

Authorities in Manila had advised that two French journalists, Jean-Jaques Le Garrec and Roland Madura were no longer in the camp which the army raided, the ministry added.

A foreign ministry crisis team met early Sunday but was unable to give any further information about the fate of the hostages since the military operation began.

"We are also in contact with US authorities, and we are asking them to relay our hopes and fears for our two compatriots," the statement said.

Le Garrec and Madura, a cameraman and sound engineer for public France 2 television, were taken hostage on Jolo by the Abu Sayyaf rebels on July .

They are being held with 20 others -- 16 Filipinos, three Malaysians and a US national.

France 2 said Saturday that its two employees were safe and sound following the military operation.

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