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16 September 2000 - The Manila Times

Rape victims urged to sue Abu bandits

By Rene S. Custodio

THE Commission on Human Rights (CHR) yesterday urged the government to persuade the freed foreign female hostages allegedly raped while in the custody of Abu Sayyaf bandits to file charges against their abusers.

CHR chairman Aurora Navarette Reciña even offered the services of the commission to help the alleged rape victims to seek justice.

Risto Vahanen, one of the 21 hostages recently freed by the terrorists, had earlier disclosed to Finnish MTV3 that some of the women hostages were raped by their captors.

“I supposed that some of the women were treated in an appropriate manner,” Vahanen said.

When asked if they (women) were raped, he answered in the affirmative, and named Ghalib Andang alias Commander Robot as one of those who raped the captives.

While not discounting the possibility that the kidnapped women were sexually abused, Reciña said the alleged rape will be met with skepticism if the victims will not come out in the open and seek the punishment of the culprits.

 “As of now, we don’t know the truth yet. The government should help the supposed victims, but first, they should come out in the open and seek help from the Philippine government to charge whoever raped them,” she told THE MANILA TIMES in a telephone interview.

Rape incidents

In disclosing the rape incidents, aired on the Finnish television, Vahanen said the raped women did not want their names disclosed, although they agreed to make the rape incidents public.

Reciña pointed out, though, that there is a reason to doubt the allegation since the information, true or not, did not come from the alleged victims themselves.

“If rape was really committed, they (women) should not be afraid and I’m sure the government will be more than willing to help them. Anyway, they are now free and can fight the culprits with the full protection of the law,” she said.

Reciña said the commission will help in the investigation for the purpose of finding evidence that will strengthen the case.  She added that the CHR will even try to look for witnesses against the Abu Sayyaf rapists.

“If a case is filed, then we are willing to come in. We will conduct our own investigation since the crime is also a violation of human rights, and we will try to persuade witnesses against the Abu Sayyaf bandits who sexually abused these women,” Reciña added.

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