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15 September 2000; 12:02 pm - Bernama

Malaysia contacts friends in Philippines over hostages

KOTA KINABALU, Sept 15 (Bernama) -- Malaysia has contacted friends in the Philippines for help in securing the release of three Malaysians being detained by gunmen in Jolo, southern Philippines.
"We have contacted friends there and they have expressed willingness to help us," Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Osu Sukam said Thusday.

"We want the three hostages to be released safely and therefore cooperation between the two countries is important," he told reporters after launching the 'Patriot Perdana" calendar.

The gunmen abducted Mohamad Noor Sulaiman, 43, Joe Joseph Jongkinoh, 40, and Kan Wei Chong, 35, from Pandanan island off the coast of Sabah on Sunday.

On speculation that the Philippine Government was planning to use military force against the kidnappers in Jolo, Osu said any action taken by the Philippine authorities should taken into account of the hostages' safety.

"We are confident that whatever action they take will not pose any problem or lead to the death of innocent people," he said.

On the call by the Opposition for a special siiting of the Sabah Legislative Assembly to discuss the abduction, Osu said he did not think there was a need for it.

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