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14 September 2000 - The Manila Times

Robot wins kidnap 'auction' and custody of three Malaysians

By Manny B. Marinay and Charmaine Deogracias

GHALIB Andang alias Commander Robot and Mujib Susukan have won custody of the three Malaysians seized Sunday from Pandanan island, Sabah, after Abu Sayyaf hostage-takers put up the foreigners for bidding.

Sulu Gov. Abdusakur Tan said a rival faction led by Abu Sabaya had wanted the Malaysians to beef up their human shield against a possible military attack, but eventually lost the bidding war.

Tan did not say how much Andang’s group paid commander Iting Agga for the hostages—Pasir Dive Resort manager Mohammad Nur Soliman, contractor Kenwi Wee Chong, and dive master Joe Joseph Onkinah.

Agga is a cousin of Susukan but reportedly heads his own small, independent faction. He took over the hostages from Commander Landasan Umar, who participated in the Pandanan operation believed to be a joint effort between Philippine and Malaysian Islamic extremist groups.

Civil Relations chief Col. Jaime Canatoy said Agga and Umar had earlier balked at Andang’s offer.

Tan, however, said the two relented after hearing an even lower offer from Sabaya, who holds American Jeffrey Craig Edward Schilling.

Malaysian allies

Tan said Tuesday evening that Agga and Umar had tapped their cohorts in Malaysia to carry out the kidnapping and deliver the captives to them.

“Based on the reports we’re getting from the ground, (the three Malaysians are held by) an Abu Sayyaf group in Talipao, which means the group of Mujib Susukan and Robot. They will always deny, but later on we’ll know,” Tan said in an interview during the celebration of the Libyan National Day in Makati City Tuesday evening.

Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) Gov. Nur Misuari also confirmed the Abu Sayyaf’s Malaysian links.

The Jolo-based rebels, he said, have been frequently visiting allies in Sabah these past years. This connection has made them also into some sort of overlords in several of the islands, he added.

“They (ASG) are blind to borders, they used to stay in these places, they don’t know whether that island still belongs to them or not,” the chairman of the MNLF noted.

“I don’t know how familiar they are with the border situation. Besides, kidnappers don’t recognize international law, they don’t recognize international borders either. They only recognize the color of dollar,” Misuari said.

Lure of money

The ex-rebel slammed the government’s handling of the hostage crisis, saying turning a blind eye to the  $15-million ransom has encouraged youth in impoverished Mindanao regions to take up arms.

“I don’t want to get embroiled in this anymore,” Misuari said in response to reports of an impending military assault on the extremist rebels. “I want my people to be kept in peace. I want government to ensure my people will not be touched.”

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