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09 September 2000 - AFP

Philippine Muslim rebels want to free only three Europeans: negotiator

ZAMBOANGA, Philippines, Sept 9 (AFP) - The planned release of six European hostages being held by Muslim rebels in the southern Philippines ran into new snags Friday with the group insisting on freeing only three of the captives, the chief negotiator said.

"This morning, I had a message from (Abu Sayyaf leader Commander) Robot, that he was willing to release only three," chief negotiator Roberto Aventajado said.

Four of the six Europeans -- a German, two Finns and a Frenchman -- were among the Abu Sayyaf's original 21 hostages snatched from the Malaysian resort of Sipadan in April while two are French television journalists abducted while covering the crisis in July.

The Abu Sayyaf had earlier promised Aventajado they would release all six on Friday.

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