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27 April 2000, 22:00 pm - Bernama


MANILA, April 27 (Bernama) -- Muslim Mindanao Governor Nur Misuari said today he will exert his best efforts for the speedy release of the 21 hostages held captive by kidnappers in Sulu province.

"I intend to use my old repertoire of tactics and strategies in dealing with this hostage situation. I want to proceed from a position of strength psychologically and even militarily," he told a news conference, here.

The kidnappers, reportedly belonging to the extremist Abu Sayyaf Group, had demanded 10 million ringgit in exchange for the freedom of the hostages, many of them foreign tourists.

Misuari warned that he would mobilise his "Bangsa Moro Army" to put a stop to kidnappings.

He heads the Moro National Liberation Front which had sealed a peace pact with the government in 1996 to end its separatist war in southern Philippines.

"I will not tolerate any kidnap for ransom. I don't want society to fall victim to kidnapping or become hostages," Misuari said.

He said that as President Joseph Estrada's special negotiator, "I would do my level best to expedite the release of the hostages."

He said that in an administrative order, President Estrada gave him a "general and comprehensive" mandate to deal with the hostage takers.

Misuari said Estrada had also instructed the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippines National Police to cooperate with him to ensure the welfare and safety of the hostages.

He said the Lebanese government, through the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC), had also requested the Philippines that he be appointed negotiator for the release of the hostages, one of whome is a Lebanese woman.

In the incident on Sunday night, a group of six men armed with AK47 assault rifles and a rocket launcher abducted 21 people, including 11 foreign tourists, on the island and took them away in a boat.

Misuari, a separatist leader turned bureaucrat, has had a good track record in negotiating the safe release of kidnap victims in Mindanao.

He was responsible for the release of two Spanish nuns and two German nationals abducted in separate incidents several years ago.

According to Misuari, he was also involved in several negotiations abroad that also led to the safe release of hostages.

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