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02 September 2000 - The Manila Times

Question raised on negotiator: Is he AFP spook?

By Manny Marinay and Faber Concepcion 

WHO he?

Even Malacañang officials seem confused about the identity of Rolando Sarmiento, the newly-appointed chief negotiator in the abduction of American Jeffrey Craig Edward Schilling, and kept mum on his background.

But top-ranked sources in Camp Aguinaldo told THE MANILA TIMES that Rolando Sarmiento is an alias for an active colonel of the Armed Forces.

Sarmiento works for the Intelligence Service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (ISAFP), under Deputy Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Jose Calimlim, the sources said.

President Estrada himself approved the military man’s appointment as negotiator, added the sources, who requested anonymity.

The mystery around the Schilling case deepened further when the hostage’s mother-in-law turned around from earlier threats to file charges against police officials for taking in her daughter, Ivy Osina, into custody.

Aida Ajijul said Osina would be safer with the Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Task Force (PAOCTF), apparently referring to reports that tagged her daughter as a government “deep penetration agent.”

Queried by media about Sarmiento, Press Secretary Ronaldo Puno admitted he did not know the negotiator and asked for time to inquire about his background.

Even Sarmiento’s fellow negotiator, Sulu Gov. Abdusakur Tan, said the name did not ring a bell.

“Hindo ko siya kilala,” Tan said in a telephone interview. (I don’t know him).

Military sources, however, said Sarmiento has “very close links” to the diplomatic community, including officials of the United States embassy.

Sarmiento, they added, has also been involved in “high-profile government activities” in the past.

Le Peng Wee, recommended as emissary by hostage band leader Abu Sabaya, told THE TIMES he personally knows Sarmiento, but refused to say more about the negotiator.


Aside from Sarmiento, Schilling’s wife, Osina, also complicated the puzzle surrounding the African-American’s abduction.

Sabaya, a fourth degree cousin, accused her of working for Philippine National Police (PNP) handlers.

The Abu Sayyaf leader gloated over how he had “turned the tables” on intelligence men, claiming the  bandits had lured Osina and Schilling into complacence.

At the same time, however, he seemed highly agitated over reports that Schilling had been part of a “kidnap me” plot.

Sabaya’s threat to behead Schilling—and his wife—prompted Osina’s mother to allow PAOCTF  Western Mindanao chief, Supt. Angelito Casimiro, to retain custody of his wife.

“My daughter is not being held for any charge, therefore, I can get her anytime I want when the situation is already safe,” Ajijul stressed.

She denied, however, that Osina worked for the government, saying her daughter was too busy with her masteral studies.

Osina is reportedly at a military hospital. Sources claimed she suffered a miscarriage in the aftermath of Schilling’s abduction.

PAOCTF sources also told reporters the woman was not yet off the hook and said investigations into her role in Schilling’s abduction would continue.

Police officials held a closed door meeting with US Embassy officers, led by Consul General John Patrick, but refused to divulge details of their talk.

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