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27 April 2000, 14:58 pm - Bernama


By E Sivabalan

KUALA LUMPUR, April 27 (Bernama) -- Two top military officers of Nur Misuari's Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) have made contact with the armed group which kidnapped 21 people in Sipadan island off Sabah last Sunday.

According to MNLF information chief Ibrahim Omar, attempts have been made to free the 21 people, including 10 Malaysians, now held captive in Talipao, a municipality in the southern Philippine province of Jolo.

"They are being held in one place in Talipao," Ibrahim told Bernama when contacted in Manila today.

Ibrahim said this was the latest information given to Misuari by the two military officers Misuari sent to negotiate with the kidnappers.
Ibrahim said Philippine President Joseph Estrada gave Misuari, the Governor of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) in southern Philippines, the mandate to negotiate with the kidnappers.

Apart from the 10 Malaysians, the other captives are three Germans, two French, two South Africans, two Finns, one Lebanese and a Filipino.

Ibrahim said Misuarim who is now in Manila, would be flying to Zamboanga later today and then to Jolo.

Asked if Misuari would be meeting with the kidnappers, Ibrahim said: "If there is a need."

He said that at the moment, the two military officers were negotiating with the kidnappers.

On Misuari's statement yesterday that the 10 Malaysian nationals might be released soon, Ibrahim said: "We cannot confirm if they have been released."

Misuari was quoted as saying that the Malaysians "could be released soon under separate negotiations".

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