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26 April 2000, 19:57 pm - Bernama


KOTA KINABALU, April 26 (Bernama) -- Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Osu Sukam has voiced concern over the adverse effects of speculative and confusing reports on last Sunday's kidnapping by gunmen on Sipadan Island off Semporna.

Osu, who is also state security committee chairman, said such reports would undermine Sabah's tourism industry.

The state government had been alerted of anticipated cancellation of several charted flights by foreign tourists following last Sunday's incident, he said.

Osu told reporters this after chairing the weekly meeting of the state Cabinet here today.

"We therefore hope that they (the media) will not report rumours and hearsay but base their reports on statements issued by the government," Osu said.

Osu said the abduction was an isolated case and he hoped that whatever damage done by confusing and speculative media coverage to the state's tourism industry would only be temporary.

He said tourists still on Sipadan could continue holidaying and scuba-diving there regardless of the on-going investigations into the incident.

In last Sunday's incident six men armed with automatic rifles and a rocket launcher abducted 21 foreign holiday-makers and local workers and took them in two boats towards Philippine waters.

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