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29 July 2000 - The Manila Bulletin


The government chief negotiator, Secretary Robert Aventajado, head of the Flaghip Projects and Program Committee, yesterday asked journalists to leave Jolo, Sulu to prevent the terrorist Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) from kidnaping and holding them hostage.

He said the police and the militay cannot guarantee the safety of the journalists.

Aventajado made the call following the kidnaping on July 24 of ABS-CBN cameraman Val Cuenca and his wife, Maan Macapagal, a researcher.

German writer Andreas Lorenz of the prestigious Der Spiegel magazine was freed last Thursday by Jolo's armed band after 25 days in captivity. Also released was Danilo Cuarteros, a Filipino preacher.

Cuenca and Macapagal were on their way back to Jolo town after interviewing last Monday a leader of an ASG faction from Basilan when they were waylaid by Commander Mujin Abdullah, who was decscribed by Sulu Gov. Abdusakur Tan as having only less than 10 followers.

Tan said last Tuesday that Abdullah's ASG faction has demanded P10 million ransom for the release of the mediamen couple.

Aventajado said in a radio inteview over DZMM last Friday that the government is not trying to curtail the journalists' right to gather information, "but there must be a balance somewhere" because the government is being blamed if anyone is abducted."

He said it would be better if journalists switch their base from Jolo to Zamboanga City where government negotiators are also encamped.

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