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28 July 2000 - The Manila Times


THE Jolo-based Abu Sayyaf terrorists released yesterday Andreas Lorenz, a reporter for Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine who was abducted 25 days earlier while covering a group of 21 mostly foreign hostages held in the hinterlands of the island capital of Sulu.

But the fate of the ransomed but still held three Malaysian nationals remained hanging because of the unmet demand for more money by the Abu Sayyaf bandits.

A faction of the bandits led by Ghalib Andang a.k.a. Commander Robot and Mulib Susukan held on to the Malaysians because they were short changed in the distribution of the ransom money, a source told THE MANILA TIMES.

The two are demanding an additional P20 million for the Malaysians’ freedom and the ransom to be handled by their appointed go-betweens.

Sources said Andang and Susukan accused former go-betweens of “shaving off” their share of the ransom money earlier paid for the Malaysian hostages.

Andang was quoted by an informant as saying, “I don’t trust the emissaries anymore because the money we received was not exact.” (Di na ako mangandul kanila palihalan kulang in sin duyubal kamu) Andang said in Tausog.

Six journalists

Lorenz was among six journalists being held by the Abu Sayyaf rebel group. All were seized while reporting on the hostages abducted in April from a Malaysian diving resort.

A Der Spiegel editor, Ulaf Ihlao, flew yesterday to southern Jolo Island to receive Lorenz from the rebels.

Lorenz was seized July 2 by four armed men who had agreed to guide him to an Abu Sayyaf hideout where he hoped to interview three Germans held by the rebels.
Faber Concepcion with AP

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