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21 July 2000 - ABS-CBN


QUEZON CITY, (ABS-CBN) - The government's chief negotiator Presidential adviser Robert Aventajado has confirmed reports that four Malaysian hostages have been released by the extremist group Abu Sayyaf at around 6 a.m., Friday.

In an interview with Mr. Noli de Castro over radio station dzMM, Mr. Aventajado said that the four Malaysians, will be brought to Manila later today.

The four Malaysians were identified as:

1. Lee Hok Liu
2. Ken Fong Yin
3. Francis Masangkil
4. Talak Nair

Meanwhile, Mr. Aventajado said that he has already talked to Mr. Lee Peng Wee last night, and that they have already settled their differences.

Earlier Aventajado accused Wee of complicating the process when the latter decided to use other emissaries in the talks despite an earlier agreement with Commander Robot to use only the services of lawyers Alam and Hadji Mami.

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