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14 July 2000 - Bernama


KUALA LUMPUR, July 14 (Bernama) -- The armed group that abducted 21 people in Sipadan almost three months ago has released another Malaysian hostage, policeman Abdul Jawah Salawat, Friday.

Malaysian ambassador to the Philippines Mohamed Arshad M. Hussain, who confirmed the release, said Philippine government negotiators had informed him of the matter Friday.

"I received a call from (Philippine government chief negotiator Robert) Aventajado today informing me about the release of another Malaysian," he said when contacted in Manila.

According to the ambassador, Abdul Jawah will be officially handed over to him by the negotiation team in Zamboanga, tomorrow.

"After that, the Malaysian embassy will make the necessary arrangements to send him home," Arshad said.

"I have spoken with him (Abdul Jawah) over the telephone and he is fine.I will be going to Zamboanga to receive him tomorrow," the ambassador said.

Expressing relief and happiness over the release of the second Malaysian hostage, Arshad said he was optimistic that this would eventually lead to the freeing of the other hostages.

Abdul Jawah was set free three weeks after the abductors released Zulkarnain Hashim, a ranger with the Sabah Wildlife Department on June 23.

The armed group is still holding 19 of the Sipadan hostages comprising seven Malaysians, three Germans, two French nationals, two Finns, two South Africans, two Filipinos and a Lebanese.

Meanwhile, in a statement Friday evening, the Foreign Ministry said no ransom was paid for Abdul Jawah's release.

Malaysia expressed appreciation and thanked the Philippine government for securing the release of the Malaysian policeman, the statement said.

It added that Malaysia also expressed hope that the other hostages would be released very soon.

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