
Sipadan Hostage Crisis

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06 July 2000 - AFP


The quarrel almost turns into a shootout when the factions cannot agree whether to kill the 13 Christian preachers they are holding captive

JOLO -- Muslim guerillas in the southern Philippines almost shot it out among themselves when one faction wanted to kill 13 Christian preachers among their captives, intelligence sources said here yesterday.

The military says the group, led by flamboyant television evangelist Wilde Almeda, have been held captive together with 20 mostly foreign hostages seized by the Abu Sayyaf from a Malaysian resort on April 23.

A German journalist covering the crisis, Mr Andreas Lorenz, 48, has also been detained by the guerillas.

The near shootout among the rebels on Tuesday has further heightened tensions in Jolo, the authorities said.

According to sources, followers of one Abu Sayyaf leader, Radulan Sajiron, confronted two other rebel leaders, Galib Andang and Mujib Susukan, in their camp in Bandang town on Tuesday over the fate of the 13 preachers.

Sajiron's group demanded Andang and Susukan turn over the preachers for ""liquidation'', sparking a heated argument among the factions, with members pointing guns at each other, a security intelligence source said.

The Sajiron followers were later calmed, but their anger at the Christians will likely complicate any attempt to get the preachers out of the rebel camp, sources said.

Sajiron, who has just one arm, is a veteran guerilla fighter, and his followers are known to be more fanatical than those of other factions.

The Abu Sayyaf, a coalition of various armed groups who style themselves as independence fighters, have made political demands as well as a ransom demand of US$1 million (S$1.7 million) for each of the 20 foreign hostages. The fate of the 20 remains unknown.

A government emissary, who brought supplies for the Westerners in the group on Tuesday was not allowed to see them.

There has been no report so far of any ransom demand for Mr Lorenz. --AFP

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