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26 June 2000 - New Sabah Times (Sabah)

Happy reunion today

Zulkarnain to reunite with wife and children after two months separation

By Jerry Kamijan and Sunar Tumiran

KOTA KINABALU: No words could express how Siti Hajar Jakiah felt when she unexpectedly received a telephone call from her husband, Zulkarnain Hashim in Zamboanga at about 5.30pm Saturday, telling her that he has been liberated.

"I was simply overjoyed that day".

"I am very thankful to Allah for answering our prayers," Siti, 26, told New Sabah Times when contacted in her house in Tawau yesterday.

Siti said it has been mentally agonising for her and their children at every waking moment for the last two months "and we even thought of the worst that might befall him".

"We waited for this moment, for his safe return...and now finally, we are going to be reunited," said Siti who was obviously powerless to hide her blessedness yesterday.

Siti, who is teaching in SMK Abaka, Tawau was saying in between 'tears of joy' that her husband had called her again from Manila at about 9.45am yesterday to inform her he was fine and safe, and would be returning to Sabah today.

"He also told me he will meet President Estrada (President of Philippines) before meeting the Malaysian Ambassador, Mohamad Arshad Manzoor Hussain," she added.

She said the authorities had also informed her that Zulkarnain would return home today "and they invited me and the children to meet him upon arrival".

But Siti said the meeting place and the arrival time of Zulkarnain have yet to be confirmed.

"We will definitely go and meet him," she said.

Siti also said her children jumped with joy when told that their daddy is finally coming home.

"Each time they saw their father in the television, they would say "daddy is still alive".   They were longing for their father to come home.

"And the next day, they would be seen flipping through the pages of the newspaper to search for their father's photo," she enthused.

Sulkarnain, 29, and Siti, have three children - Iskandar, 3, Sakina, 19 months old and Mohd Safiq, four months.

The Sabah WIldlife Department ranger was snatched along with 20 others including eight other Malaysians from Pulau Sipadan on Easter Sunday on April 23 this year.

Zulkarnain and three other colleagues, Balm Krishnan Nair, 34, Basilius Jim, 31, and Francis Masungkim, 35, were on duty on the island when they were kidnapped by more than a dozen Abu Sayyaf members in two kumpits.

Meanwhile, Zulkarnain's mother Masniah Talib, 48, is also relieved that his only child is finally released.

The family also wished that the rest of Zulkarnain's colleagues and other Malaysians and foreign hostages are released as soon as possible.

The other Malaysians still held hostage are policeman Abdul Jawan Sulawat, 39, divemaster Ken Fong Yin Ken, 27, another divemaster Vincent Kong, 40, cook Kua Yu Loong, 24, and assistant cook Lee Hock Leong, 20.

The rest are Filipinos Roland Ullah, 41, from Borneo Divers, Laurencia Diablo, 34, an employee of one of the resorts and nine foreign visitors.

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