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26 June 2000 - Daily Express (Sabah)

'I prayed for this'

KOTA KINABALU: Masniah Talib was at a loss for words on hearing the voice of her only son, Zulkarnain Hashim, for the first time in 62 days when h made a long distance call late Saturday evening.

The 48-year-old Masniah, when contacted in Tawau by Daily Express on Sunday, said all of them including her daughter-in-law Siti Hajar Jakiah were overcome with joy.

There was initial surprise and disbelief that it was indeed Zulkarnain when he called at about 5.30pm from Zamboanga City.

"He told us he had been released and was calling from (Robert) Aventajado's house during an early dinner before being flown to Manila to meet President Joseph Estrada and, subsequently, to be handed over to the Malaysia authorities there," she said.

"I have been praying hard for this moment over the last two months," she said.

Following the news, their house at Jalan Airport Lama, near SK Bandar, in Tawau, was packed with reporters and well-wishers, including former Tawau MP Chua Soon Bui.

According to her, the family would be flying to Kota Kinabalu on Monday for a brief meeting with Zulkarnain who is expected to arrive here from Manila, on transit enroute to Kuala Lumpur.

Masniah said their airfare to Kota Kinabalu was being sponsored by Chua while the national Security Division here had also called up to assure that they should not worry about their accomodation and other expenses while here.

Meanwhile, an alerted Siti Hajar Jakiah, a 26-year-old teacher at SMK Abaka, said she could not wait to see her husband again.

"Zulkarnain called us three times already, twice on Saturday and once on Sunday at about 9am," she said.

She said she and their three children - a three-year-old boy, 19-month-old girl and three-month-old boy - missed Zulkarnain very much, and the only imge they had of him was on the television news and newspapers for the past two months.

"His voice was faint, and had asked about the children as well as the health of his mother and mine," she said.

"This (Sunday) morning Zulkarnain also made his voice heard on the telephone to th children. He did not say if he would call again but we are hoping he would," she said.

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