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24 April 2000, 19:06 pm - Bernama


KOTA KINABALU, April 24 (Bernama) -- Sabah Deputy Police Commissioner Datuk Mazlan Tyan was not among those taken hostage by armed pirates on Sipadan island last night, contrary to what was reported by international news organisations.

Bernama contacted his office at the Sabah police headquarters in Kepayan here at 5pm today and was told that he had just left.

Attempts to speak to Mazlan earlier were unsuccessful because he was said to be at a meeting.

A CNN report quoted Philippine Defence Secretary Orlando Mercado as saying that a deputy police chief of Sabah was among some 20 people abducted by the pirates in a raid at about 7pm yesterday.

Efforts to establish the identity of the policeman held hostage proved unsuccessful.

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