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Sample Article: Get Paid To Surf The Web!

(Click Here... For More Info On The Offer Below)


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Want to earn money while you surf the Web AND earn money from 

your friends while they're online too?


There's a new FREE Internet service that actually PAYS YOU and your 

referred friends to surf the Web. You should definitely consider 

becoming a member to earn 50 cents an hour just by surfing the Web 

like you normally do!

You'll also earn 10 cents/hr from your friends who join under your 

referral code.  Then you'll earn 5 cents/hr from subsequently referred 

members of your original referrals for 4 levels deep. This is a great 

self-building income stream for doing something fun- surfing the Web!

It's free to join and only takes about a minute to apply with no survey 

to fill out!

Members are paid for their own Web browsing and for referrals of their 

friends. Please tell as many of your friends about this program as 

possible. Remember, it's easy to sign up and it will never cost you a dime! 

How the membership works: 

As a member, you will earn 50 cents an hour while you surf the Web for 

up to 40 hours per month. That's up to $20 per month just for browsing 

the Internet the way you normally do. All members simply download a 

Viewbar™ for your browser. The bar is standard ad height, about one-half 

inch on most screens. The bar can be minimized with a single click to 

eliminate it from the screen at any time. The Advertising income 

generated from the bar area is how you're paid for your own Web surfing 

as well as your referral members.

Refer friends into the program and receive 10 cents per hour while they 

surf the Web. And receive an additional 5 cents per hour from the 

extended referrals that come in from your referrals (for new members 

extended as far as four referrals from your original referrals!) 

Click Here... For More Info On This Offer

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