Delicacies - Menu for December 1999 |
Chinese Dish)
(Kai Choi - sayur ham choi = sayur pahit)
- cuci dan rendam sayur 'satu-satu pokok' ke dalam satu besin air biasa selama 2 jam
- gantung sayur tersebut misalnya : sabtu buat - ahad petang boleh ambil pastikan tiada
lagi air menitis
- potong sayur tersebut kira kira 1 inci
- bahagian batang sayur tersebut harus di letak didalam mangkuk (ceramic) sebelum daunnya
- tutup mangkuk tersebut dengan sebuat piring kecil (ceramic)
- masukkan air panas di sekeliling mangkuk tersebut selama dua kali jangan sekali-kali
buka tutupnya
- ambil kain letak di sekeliling mangkuk tersebut
- ambil sebuah plastic pastikan plasticnya tidak berlubang
- letakkan ke dalam plastic tersebut (ahad buat- isnin ambil)
Contributed by Ms. Annie Chong, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
'Bambangan' Fruit - Kadazandusun dish, Sabah)
- 10 Bambangan Fruits
- 8 Bambangan seeds
- 1 Kati salt
Prepare the fruit by slicing off the
brown skin only. Leave the inside skin intact. Wash and cut the flesh into slices.
Remove the hard skin covering the seed
and take only the soft seeds flesh inside. Grate the seeds finely.
In a bowl, mix together the sliced
Bambangan flesh and its grated seeds with salt.
Put a clean jar and cover tighly,
leave if for 7-10 days before it is ready to be serve.
Note; When preserving
the fruit, make sure the fruit is not too ripe. Use unripe or half-ripe fruit only.
Contributed by Ms. Yoyon, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Fish (Talapiah) - Kadazandusun, Sabah)
What you need: 1 kati fish; 15 dried panggi-seeds; 3 cups cooled white
rice; and 6 8 table spoon salt.
- Clean fish of scales and intestines. Wash and drain well. Cut into 2 inches long, if
fish is big or cut into half.
- Season fish with salt and mix in the cooled white rice.
- Break open thePanggi-Seeds, scape off the dried flesh and pound to a
semi-smooth powder, mix it with the meat.
- Put the mixture in a tight covered jar and leave for 10 12 days before it is
Contributed by Ms. Dida R., Inanam, Sabah
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