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The People - Culture and Custom

Sarawak has a potpourri of different races and ethnic groups.  The people of Sarawak falls into 26 distinct ethnic groups, each with their unique, rich, and diverse language, custom, and culture.  The main group is the indigenous populace which are collectively referred to as "Dayaks".  They consists of among others, the Ibans, Bidayuhs, Kenyahs, and Kayans. The other indigenous groups are Muruts, Punans, Bisayahs, Kelabits, Berawans, and Melanaus.  Another small but well-known ethnic group is called the Penans.  Most of these Dayak and indigenous peoples came to Borneo thousands of years ago.  The other main races are the Malays and Chinese, who arrived more recently, and they constitute a large percentage of the coastal and urban population.

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