The People - Custom and
Culture The population of Kalimantan can be divided into two major groups - the
natives or indigenous people, and those migrated from other places around Borneo and Asia.
Like their cousins in the other regions of Borneo, the people of Kalimantan also
consists of many ethnic groups with distinct customs and cultures. The original
inhabitants of Kalimantan, the "Orang Gunung" or hill people, is reported to
have resided in East Kalimanatan. Although they are collectively referred to as the
Dayaks, most of these 'tribes' preferred to be identified by seperate tribal names such as
Banjarese, Ibans, Punans, and Banuaqs. The newcomers consist of the Chinese, Arabs,
Bugis, Bajaus, Javanese, Madurese, and others. |