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Kalimantan's economy is predominantly timber, and agriculture.  Since more than 75.0 percent of Kalimantan is still covered by forest, the forestry-related sector is the mainstay of the Kalimantan's economy.  Oil, food crops, rubber, and fishing are the other main contributors to its small and very open economic structure.  In terms of major exports, processed wood, rubber, and fish are the major exports for West Kalimantan; log, sawntimber, rattan, and resin for Central Kalimantan; sawntimber, plywood, blackboard, processed wood, moulding, rattan, and rubber for South Kalimantan; and petroleum, plywood, sawntimber, veneer, and chips for East Kalimantan.  Kalimantan's real GDP grew at around 5.0 to 8.0 percent per annum.

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