Corey Rudl's London Videos |
Hi there valued
visitors of e-borneo.com,
I have such an
extremely exciting announcement that I could not wait to tell you about it! The sooner you
can take advantage of what you are about to learn, the sooner you will be able to EXPLODE
YOUR BUSINESS using proven money-making strategies!
This is your
opportunity to see Corey Rudl --
Internet marketing expert, author, and owner of 4 successful e-businesses that gross
US$5.2 Million per year -- revealing over 4 hours of his most profitable marketing
strategies. That's over 240 minutes of killer information that you can begin applying to
your e-business right away!
This is
cutting-edge information that cannot be found anywhere else -- not in courses, not in
classes, not in e-zines, not anywhere!
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Internet marketing strategies
that I am about to reveal are not available anywhere else, unless you want to pay for
personal one-on-one consultation with Corey himself
at a rate of $1,280 US per hour... or attend one of his seminars at $5,000 US a seat!
Do you own a
television and a VCR? Do you have, or want to start, an online business? Then pay close
attention, because I'm about to show you...
How to create
an unstoppable "domino effect" that drives traffic to your Web site for the rest
of your life - for FREE!
How to MAKE
US$10,000+ PER DAY by turning your service into a product.
How to
implement a savvy "backend" campaign that turns one-time sales into LIFETIME
INCOME STREAMS! This one strategy can double your income.
STUDIES of home-based entrepreneurs who earn US$10,000+ per month working 1-2 hours per
Why people
come online to research -- not to buy -- and how you can PROFIT FROM THIS LITTLE-KNOWN
How to GET
RISK-FREE ADVERTISING on thousands of other web sites -- and pay only for the sales they
How to MAKE
YOUR COMPETITORS BEG to sell your products.
Discover the
enormous shift that the Net is going to experience in the next 5 years - and HOW YOU CAN
How to
explode your Affiliate Program with TECHNIQUES
SIMPLE that you'll kick yourself for not using them sooner!
... Plus a ton
more tips, tricks, and techniques that are crucial to the success of your e-business.
This is your
opportunity to bypass outdated Internet marketing books, newsletters, e-zines, etc... and FAST-TRACK YOUR SUCCESS by actually watching and
listening as Corey explains step-by-step, in layman's terms, exactly what you need to do
Earn the kind
of staggering six and seven digit incomes that the "Big Guys" are raking in!
literally come from all over the world just to hear and see exactly what Corey is about to
show you in your very own home. It's really a unique chance to learn the cutting-edge
that only an elite few have been privy to -- until now!
With these
videos, you'll discover profitable secrets that will teach you how to...
Monopolize an
unlimited number of small markets and find out why this is SAFER, FASTER, AND EASIER than
competing for the big markets.
HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE into joining your e-mail list!
Monitor and
improve your search engine positions -- AUTOMATICALLY.
Track the
exact number of visitors each reciprocal link is driving to your site.
... you will
learn the exact same secrets that the
"Big Guys" are using to profit wildly from every day!
To find out how
you can start using all of these profit-inducing strategies to skyrocket your business on
the Internet, go to:
Whatever you
do, do NOT hesitate. This chance to see Corey Rudl spilling his guts is only available for
a short while! After that, who knows how youll be able to get this invaluable
Ee Chik Goh
Part-Time Netrepreneur
Tanparuli, Sabah, Malaysia.
May 2001
also read my Testimonial about the
IMC) |